Competition is open to all sworn Law Enforcement Officers who are authorized to ride a police motorcycle through their department, former motor officers and retired police officers.
A. Rules Committee
On the day of the skills Championship, a Rules Committee will be established to settle all disputes that cannot be settled at the judge’s level. The Head Judge will select five Committee members from five different agencies, and post the Rules Committee Members on or near the Registration booth so that it can be seen.

B. Disputes: Disputes will be handled in the following manner:
·         Any dispute of scoring of a particular event must be addressed by the affected Competitor after completing the said run.
·         Only the Competitor may dispute scoring or a judge’s decision.
·         Disputes will be brought to the Head Judge for a ruling over an event / course score.
·         If the dispute is not resolved by the Head Judge, the Rules Committee will resolve the dispute.
·         All decisions of the Rule Committee are final for the day of the Skills Competition.

C. Conduct: Participants who display or engage in an unprofessional conduct as determined by the Head Judge (or their designees), may be ejected from the skills competition.

General Rules 
Riders must compete on a police motorcycle of at least 1000 cc's that is equipped in the normal duty deployment configuration. This would include lights, saddlebag rails, kick stands and crash bars.  Retired and/or former motor officers must be on a police style motorcycle.

During judged competition riders must compete wearing the appropriate uniform normally worn on duty. During practices session’s rider may wear training uniform.

All riders must wear a helmet, properly fastened while on the courses, including practice.

Prior to entering an event, a rider will be allowed five minutes to repair or replace a motorcycle that is malfunctioning. Once a rider starts an event, excuses for breakdowns will not be allowed.

Points Assessment
Penalties will be assessed as follows:
Touch/Brush a Cone = 3 points
Cone Down = 3 points
Foot Down = 5 points
Drop motorcycle = 10 points
·        A competitor that drops motorcycle without striking cones will only be penalized 10 points.
·        A competitor that drops motorcycle after striking cones will be penalized 10 points for drop and also points per cones struck.
Stopping in a pattern and using feet to move motorcycle forwards or backwards= 10 points
·        A competitor will also be penalized for cones struck while moving motorcycle.
Riding out of pattern completely = 10 points
·        A competitor will also be penalized for cones struck while riding out of pattern.
·        Both the front and rear tires must exit the pattern.
·        Rider may continue run but must re-enter the start gate and complete the pattern.
low Ride Award – Top overall scorer (No division or class distinction).
Dave Purvis Challenge Ride Award– Top score award for Challenge Ride
Timed and Precision Courses Award– Top three scores per division and class.
Team Timed Ride- Top three times
Team Slow Ride-Top Overall Team
Steve Grissom Award-Top overall competitor (lowest time/clean run) for the Timed Run and the Precision courses.
Robbie Morris Memorial Award- Competitor that displays the best attitude and teamwork throughout the event. JAMS members will decide winner.
50 and Over Awards- Top three overall based on timed and precision rides.
 *To be eligible to receive an award in the Timed and Precision Courses a competitor must rank in the top 50% of competitors in their same class, (Not division). No default awards will be given.
Harley Davidson (Fairing)
Harley Davidson (Windshield)
All Other….BMW, Honda, Victory

Elite: Any rider that has won Best Overall Rider/Top Gun/Top Rider Award for any competition, any divisions or class.
Expert:  Any rider who has competed in any Novice Division and placed in top 3, or has competed in 3 or more previous competitions.           
Novice:  Any rider who has never competed in a formal competition, or has not competed in more than 3 competitions, or has not placed in the top 3.       

Challenge Ride
The Challenge Ride will consist of an undisclosed course to be set up the day of the competition to test various riding skills.   

-     The first criteria for scoring will be lack of penalty points. 
-     The second criteria for scoring will be lowest time.

-     The Challenge Ride is its own event.  Scores from the Challenge Ride will not transfer to rider's overall score in classes, except for consideration in the overall champion (Steve Grissom Award). 

Individual Slow Ride
This competition will be open to all participating riders and will not be separated by Division or Class. Times starts when the front axle crosses the start line, and ends when:
·        Riders rear axle crosses the finish line
·        The motorcycle crosses any boundary line or touches an obstacle
·        The rider puts a foot down
·        The rider drops the motorcycle
·        Ties will be resolved by a second run between tied riders.
 The Slow Ride is its own event.  Its scores will not transfer to rider's overall score in any classes.
Timed and Precision Courses:

-     The first criteria for scoring will be lack of penalty points. 
-     The second criteria will be lowest time.

Officer #1 – TIME 75 seconds, 0 penalty points. 
Officer #2 – TIME 74 seconds, 5 penalty points.
Officer #1 will be scored higher


Competitors will be chosen by a number draw to make up a two man team.  This team will compete on the timed courses by starting one behind the other.  The same rules apply as they do for the individual rider in the timed run but apply to each in this event for a total score.  The top three teams will receive awards.
The Team Timed Ride is its own event.  Its scores will not transfer to rider's overall score in any classes.

Team Slow Ride:
The object of this competition is for all team riders to complete the course as slowly as  possible without putting a foot down, dropping the motorcycle, leaving the course, or hitting an obstacle. This will be a relay competition and will be conducted as follows:
·         Riders #1 and #3 will start at one end, while riders #2 and #4 start at the opposite end.
·         On the judge's command, rider #1 will lift his/her foot and travel the course as slowly as possible.
·         At each end of the course, will be a two-foot transfer box. All rider exchanges will take place within the transfer box.
·         When rider # 1's front wheel enters the transfer box, rider # 2 must raise his/her foot and enter the transfer box with his/her front wheel inside the transfer box before rider # 1's front axle crosses the exit line. Rider # 2 then proceeds to the opposite end of the course, and completes a transfer with rider # 3.
·         During the transfer process, when the entering rider's wheel enters the box, and he/she becomes the active  rider.
·         Riders # 3 and # 4 proceed as listed in 4 and 5 above. The judge will STOP and RECORD the time for the  TEAM when:
·         Rider #4's rear axle crosses the finish line
·         The active rider puts a foot down
·         The active rider crosses a boundary or puts a foot down
·         The transferring rider fails to enter the transfer box on time
·         The active rider drops the motorcycle.
·         A team may consist of any four riders, regardless of agency, and a rider may compete in this event without having competed in any other event. In the event of a tie, one rider from each tied team will do an individual slow ride to determine the winner.
       The Team Slow Ride is its own event.  Its scores will not transfer to rider's overall score in any classes.